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You Will Live! Its more than breathing.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 ESV

Let’s get back to the prophetic word God gave me just over two years ago. I was listening to the album, “Israel is Forever, Attitude” by Clement recorded live in Israel. I fell in love with the experience that was captured. I had not listened to Clement’s ministry or music for some time. I got curious and found this album from the first song it had me. “You will live, Israel!” At the time I was dealing with some things mentally, physically that had my full attention. My wife was also experiencing an infirmity that was focusing us on all of the negatives. We were being pressed and I needed a word from the Lord to stand on. I did not look to this album for the word. God had simply put Kim’s ministry across my path again for some reason. That is what caused me to find some of his newer music. That is when I heard the words… “You will live, Israel!” So obviously this word spoken over Israel while Clement was in Israel, but I was taking it for myself through Jesus! If Israel can live, so can I and my wife. Of course, I wanted it manifested in God’s people Israel, but I also wanted it for me. I needed this. Now at the time, I was literally speaking this over my physical condition. Over others as well who were close to me struggling with health issues. For two years plus, this has been a declaration I have been speaking. AB – “You will live!” Christi – “You will live!”

So let’s recap a bit. I learned about Kim Clement through catching him on TV and getting curios about this guy who was a Vidal Sassoon model but really could play the piano well and hear from God. 25 years later God intersects my life with his ministry again and gives me yet another word to stand on. So here we are in present day, the first two weeks in 2023. I was doing a prayer walk in this new year and this phrase, “You will live!” came to my memory. As I walked around the church auditorium, I began to shout this declaration over me and the Church. The next day God gave me a deeper revelation of what He was speaking over me through this powerful word. He asked the question, “What life do you think I am referring to?” When God asks a question, He knows the answer. He just wants me to know it. I learned that my focus the past two years was completely on the physical. God was now telling me to go deeper. Here is the question to consider… Even though we are alive, through Jesus, are we truly living? Are we living the life of fullness that Jesus declared in John 10:10?

To be honest, though I preached about it, talked about it, I assumed I was living this way of life, but God showed me otherwise. God showed me how much my attention on my physical body and even mentally through the pandemic, the post pandemic and the fight for peace in my soul had caused my focus to simply survive instead of thrive. Endurance had become what I was skilled at. Patience was certainly being developed. Persevering was on the daily checklist too but thriving seemed to miss the guest list. It wasn’t arriving at the party and due to its absence, my life was not throwing a party at all. Please do not take my description of life and think I was a professional party pooper. Much of my internal conflict was overshadowed by the true will to survive. I had the smiles and often would feel good, enjoy company and embrace the challenges of ministry. Life wasn’t bad, I just realized how much I was spending my time and energy on getting healthy in body and mind and missing the opportunity to enjoy it on the way. This is what God was addressing.

The ”You will live!” was being defined. God was there when He put that word in my heart for the journey ahead. I am sure at the time, that was exactly the phase one of the journey. Let’s get you healthy and overcome the fear of the future. But too often we stay too long in our hearts and minds in the places only meant to be a resting place, not a home. There is a season for phase one. There is a purpose too. It is to get you to the next phase. Living! God’s question to me gave the original prophetic word in my life more dimensions. That is the power of God’s words spoken in faith over His people. They are alive and have depth. They are introductions and invitations to living life to the fullest with Jesus.

As you are navigating life, are you truly living? Has your focus been on surviving or thriving? Maybe you have been in a battle for your peace, your health, emotions. Many are right there with you. You are not alone though you may feel like it. Has God given you a word to stand on? If so, that is what you do – you stand. You declare it! But as you do, allow God to move you forward into places and depths you may not see now. Keep listening and when He is ready to take you to the next portion of your journey, you will hear Him. The word He gave will take a new dimension. It will go from internal to eternal and when it does, that is when you are walking in the victory, He has had for you the whole time. That is when you are walking in abundance. You will live!


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