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Raindrops Fall... but not forever

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Philippians 4:11-12

My mom told me one day how when I was little, I would stand up on the hump of the floor of our Chevy Impala and sing, “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head”. If you do not know what I am talking about when I say the hump, you probably have never been in a car made in the 1970’s. Why was this my musical choice for my family in the car? I must have heard it a lot on the radio and loved the song. If you have never heard it, check it out. B.J. Thomas’s version includes my favorite part at the end with the Basa Nova feel and trumpet solo. It will get you in a good mood. Click here!

Recently I have been going through a trial. A long trial. From the sounds of many of my conversations with others, there are quite a few of us walking through storms. A few weeks ago, I was at the carwash cleaning the windows with the generic version of window cleaner and vacuuming the interior when over the outdoor sound system, I heard this childhood memory. If you know the song, you know that it is a positive approach to a rainy day. The theme of the song is that you are not going to stop the rain by complaining about it. Crying isn’t going to change things either. But there is something that will happen if you keep the positive attitude. B.J. Thomas basically gives his spin on being positive in a negative situation. He sings...

“But there's one thing I know

The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me.”

Then a nice pa bum, bum two times. (Listen to the song.)

As I am doing the windows of the car and crying because I realize that God is speaking to me through this song that I sung when life was good in the back seat of the Impala without a seatbelt. God was saying to me, don’t complain about your storm. Crying about what is going on is not going to change the storm, but if you stay steady knowing that goodness and mercy are following you through it, there is going to be a happy party coming. It is time to step up and tell the blues that each drop of rain reminds you that they will not defeat you. The storm will stop. Who knew that B.J. Thomas would preach at the car wash to one guy who needed to be reminded that this storm will pass over?

While in a prayer meeting just this past week, our youth pastor here at the church prayed something that was simple yet powerful. “It is not always going to rain!” When I heard that during the current storm, I am enduring, it was as if happiness came up to me and gave me a huge COVID friendly fist bump. It is not always going to rain! Grab ahold of that! Yes, the raindrops are ruining your picnic, but don’t let that set you off into a complaining mood. Don’t allow that to cause you to waste time crying over what you cannot change. There will be another picnic. There will be a time when the sun is going to shine again. According to Annie it will be tomorrow but that is another song.

When you listen to the song, “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head”, you will hear the reason why he could have such a positive attitude. He was free and nothing was worrying him even in the middle of a storm. Think about that. Do we get so stirred up in the middle of the rainy seasons in life because we are not living in our freedom that we have through Christ? Paul in Philippians 4 shows us what this looks like. Content! Paul was content in all situations because he was free. There was no need to worry because God has already shown him that He would take care of Paul. He will take care of you and I too.

Don’t let the rainy days, weeks or months steal your freedom in Christ. Keep the joy by telling the blues who is in charge. Go ahead and give your concert for the world to hear like I did as I annoyed my family. Declare your victory, be content and know, raindrops fall, but not forever.


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