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Gatorade: “It is in you!"

13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14 NIV

Hey everyone. Pastor A.B. is on a two-month sabbatical. For the next couple weeks, I am going to be writing the devotions. I love how my dad writes and reveals the heart of Jesus. I have the same goal. I pray these next devotions you read encourage, challenge and equip you to love Jesus and see Him in a fresh new way. Pastor A.B. will be back in September.

For the last 40 years, there has been a sports drink, Gatorade, that has dominated the sports landscape. Gatorade is a drink full of sugar and electrolytes to refuel athletes as they compete in their respective sports. Its purpose is meant to recharge athletes when they are depleted. I have drunk plenty of Gatorades in my lifetime. Sometimes it was when I was competing in sports, but, now as I am older, it’s when I mow the lawn. Yes, you can laugh. Gatorade is designed for those who are empty and need more than what is left in them. So how does this relate to us as followers of Jesus?

Our American Christian culture has shifted drastically in the last 10 years, and especially the last 4 years after Covid. People seem empty, tired, and depleted. As a Pastor, I see many people come in on a Sunday and you know they are running on fumes. Now what’s the temptation for a Sunday morning? To give the people the quick hit of what I call “Spiritual Gatorade”. They need life and need it desperately, so we pump them full of Spiritual Gatorade, and try to get them going for the next week. Churches spend enormous resources on keeping people in the church and keeping them entertained during service. We spend more money than we would like to admit on streaming platforms and online services to keep people “tuning” into our church from the comfort of wherever they are at. It’s as if all the church drinks, now, is Spiritual Gatorade. Now Gatorade isn’t bad. But when it replaces what your body needs regularly, water, then there’s an issue.

Jesus, as He was talking to the woman at the well, addressed this. After he tells her she could drink from living water she wants it right away. She’s depleted and tired. It’s hot and she’s getting water at noon because the way she has been doing life has been exhausting her, not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. Jesus addresses this. He wasn’t going to give her Gatorade. He wanted to give her the Water of Life! He does and she accepts it, and it changes her life. You see Jesus offers this to us; to be filled overflowing every single day. Paul in Romans writes this for those reading his letter. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13” (Emphasis mine) Jesus doesn’t just fill us; he fills us so much that we overflow and have more than enough. Jesus doesn’t want us needing a hit after hit of Spiritual Gatorade to keep us going. He wants us hydrated to the point of overflow. 

Now, how does this happen? Daily Communion with Him. Every day there is a fresh well to drink from that will fill your soul and will minister to your deepest and greatest needs to refresh you to refresh others. His word, His presence, and His voice are what we need. Jesus is that good. Gatorade's slogan in the 90’s and 00’s was, “Is it in you?” I’m here to tell you it is! The spirt of the living God abides in you. You have all you need through him to face any challenge that comes our way. Are their moments in life when we need Gatorade, that extra boost? Of course! And it will be there in those difficult moments, but Jesus doesn’t want us to make that the main fuel. He is the everlasting well that will never run dry. He is enough. When we gather each Sunday at our local churches, we shouldn’t be demanding our Pastors douse us with Spiritual Gatorade, but rather we should come filled overflowing to pour out to others and see Jesus be glorified, seen, and known in our services. The church is at its best when the people come to pour out rather than always be filled. Jesus loves us. He wants us to be filled overflowing. Believe that for yourself and for others as well. So today, grab a big glass of the Water of Life, and drink. You will be refreshed and filled overflowing.


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